In 1994, the Grosse Pointe Hockey Association initiated the Jack McSorley College Scholarship Award. It is named after the late Jack McSorley who died before the age of 21. Jack spent 12 years in the GPHA as either a player or referee and embodied everything we hope to teach kids about athletics and academics. The Bulldog Hockey Club is proud to carry on this tradition.
The scholarship(s) may be awarded to one or more recipients. The criteria are listed below. If you qualify for this scholarship and wish to apply, please email all the required information or feel free to drop it off at my home (email is much preferred!). My address is: 472 Lincoln Rd, Grosse Pointe, MI 48230. If there are any questions, I can be contacted via email or feel free to call. Please don’t forget your contact information.
- High School Senior.
- Minimum 3.5 GPA (provide a copy of your most recent report card).
- Five years participation with the GPHA (if player started as a pee wee or later; three years participation is sufficient.)
- Three years participation and high school hockey participation
- Interview with the scholarship committee.
- Personal written statement setting forth:
- Impact athletics had on your education and personal growth.
- Extracurricular activities
- Class Leadership
- Plans to further your education
- Any other pertinent information
- Statement and evidence of above is due by March 7th, Interviews will be scheduled shortly thereafter.
Jerry Bourke
(313) 570-3317